
The Tiger Woods 2003 TX file format

The TX file format is used for most 3D models in Tiger Woods 2003.

Sections of the TX file

Number of meshes (uint32)
UNKNOWN (float[4]) - Always { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }
UNKNOWN (float[4]) - Always { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }
UNKNOWN (float[4]) - Always { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }
UNKNOWN (uint32) - Always 0
Mesh #0
  Number of textures (uint32) - Always same as next number
  Number of materials (uint32) - Always same as previous number
  UNKNOWN (uint32) - Always 0x112
  UNKNOWN (uint32) - Always 0x20
  Texture #0
    Length of texture filename (uint8)
    Texture filename (char[]) - Null terminated
  Texture #1
  Number of vertices (uint32)
  Number of triangles (uint32)
  Number of bone assignments (uint32)
  Number of bones (uint32)
  UNKNOWN (uint32) - Always 1
  Vertex #0
    Position (float[3]) - (x, y, z) co-ordinates
    Normal (float[3])
    UVs (float[2])
    UNKNOWN (uint32) - Something to do with skin weighting?
    UNKNOWN (float[3]) - Something to do with skin weighting?
  Vertex #1
  Assignment #0
    Bone ID (uint16)
  Assignment #1
  Triangle #0
    Vertex IDs (uint16[3])
  Triangle #1
  Texture map #0
    Texture ID (uint32)
    Index of first triangle with this texture (uint32)
    Number of triangles with this texture (uint32)
    Index of first vertex with this texture (uint32)
    Number of vertices with this texture (uint32)
  Texture map #1
Mesh #1
Length of bone data stream (uint32)
Bone #0
  Transformation matrix (float[4][4]) - In D3DXMATRIX format
Bone #1
Number of bone names (uint32)
Length of bone name data stream (uint32)
Bone name #0
  Length of bone name (uint32)
  Bone name (char[]) - Null terminated
Bone name #1


There are currently no tools to work with TX files. However I am developing some tools which will be released soon!


Send any comments to golf@furrycat.net.

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